Miss ALK's official bucket list:
- (If this is God's will for me): Get married to an amazing, Godly, loyal, kindhearted and good looking man! Along with this would go the wedding of my dreams.
- Get a job at a commerical radio station in a large media market.
- Travel to India, and hopefully get to watch a Bollywood movie a theatre there.
Join a sorority.(I got a bid from Alpha Delta Pi on September 15th, 2013!! First Finest Forever!)- Finish watching every episode of the TV show 7th Heaven. (Currently in season 11)
- Meet at least one cast member from 7th Heaven, preferably Beverley Mitchell!
- Travel to Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Stand in three or more states at once.
- Go on a missions trip.
Meet author Karen Kingsbury(Check!! Happened on November 3rd, 2012 Read about it here!)- Finally be able to truly forgive an ex-best friend that hurt me deeply in my high school years.
Get a second piercing(Check!! I got my belly pierced shortly after my 18th birthday. My second and final piercing. Whoever said it "didn't hurt at all" was lying, haha. So much for me trying to be a little rebellious!)- Travel to Thailand.
- Be on TV (Technically this happened- when I was 9 I was filmed for the old PBS kids show Zoom! for their popular "good deeds" segement. For my 9th birthday on my own I decided that I didn't want birthday presents and instead asked my friends to bring donations for our local animal shelter. A couple months later my mom and I submitted what I did to the show and they later sent a crew to film me at the animal shelter! But I'd like to be on a commerical or more popular television program for the bucket list.)
Live to see a much awaited *NSYNC reunion.(Check!! Happened at the 2013 VMA's, which I watched in the lobby of my sophomore year dorm with many of my hallmates. I screamed when they came on stage. It was a beautiful moment that I waited 10 years for.)- Travel to Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA.
Go to Las Vegas at least once in my life.(Happened in June 2013! Read about it here!)- Go on a romantic date involving (mild) hiking and a waterfall.
- Shop at a Vera Bradley and/or Lilly Pulitzer outlet warehouse sale.
- Develop a good understanding of a second language. I don't say "fluent" because that implies perfection.
- (Once I am grown up) Own summer house in Maine.
Get my drivers' license on the first try!(There's a funny story behind this one though, I'll have to save that for a future post!)- Go on a road trip with friends.
- Meet 4 of my most favorite bloggers in person- they always encourage me and especially did so during my high school years when I first got into blogging! They are Elle, Julianne, Mckenzie and Emily. I would so love to call these ladies "real life friends" as well.
Meet some of my newer favorite bloggers in person! This includes fellow members of the Southern Blog Society and The Charlotte Social, I'd love to meet as many of you ladies as I can!(I finally got to meet some bloggers from both of these networks in Fall 2013!! Can't wait to meet even more bloggers in the future!)- Make a best friend that I met through blogging. Can you tell already that I think blogging friendships are super cool?!
- Fly in first class.
- Be a maid of honor.
- Be a bridesmaid.
Have front row tickets at a concert. (Got to check this off on August 16th, 2011! Due to our awesome seats I actually got to shake Selena Gomez's hand at her show, read about that on my old blog in this post!)- Have meet and greet passes at a concert.
- Own/live in a house with two staircases. (Weird I know- but I've always loved houses that have a front and a back staircase.)
- Overcome my allergies to cats.
- Own a dog.
- Stop nail biting and picking once and for all.
- Perfrom a stand-up comedy routine in front of an audience.
- Have a boyfriend/fiance/husband buy me some sort of jewelry item from Tiffany and Co.
- Be an active volunteer with a youth group.
- Be in the audience of an episode of Dancing With the Stars or The Price is Right or both!
- Attend the Grammy's.
- Go to the Carolina Cup.
- Go to the Kentucky Derby.
- Become a morning person, at least for one small season in my life.
- Go to Japan to visit my friend Anna. (Anna and I became good friends my junior year of high school when she was an exchange student from Japan at my high school. The 9 months that she was in the states went by way too quickly!)
- Adopt a Flemish Giant rabbit.
- Adopt another mini rext rabbit (I had one growing up and she was the sweetest pet!).
Finally call in at the right time and be on-air on the Delilah Show (my favorite radio show). Check! On October 30th, 2014, after trying to call in for several years (since high school!) I finally made it through to Delilah's show! I got to talk to her and I told her that she is one of my biggest career role models in the field of radio. I put her on speaker phone and taped the conversation on the webcam on my computer. #fangirl. Sadly the call wasn't played on-air, but she gave me some very valuable career advice and was so sweet to talk to!- Have a walk-in closet.
- Have a TV in my bathroom so I can watch TV while taking bubble baths.
Get 1,000 Instagram followers.- Get 1,000 followers on GFC.
- Get 1,000 followers on Blog Lovin'.
- Meet Ryan Seacrest.
Hello! I came across your blog and just had to comment! I'm from the East Coast of Canada and live about 5 hours from Halifax! I think it's super cool that you want to visit there! It is a pretty neat city, there are a lot of great museums and historical places, plus awesome restaurants and unique shops!
So disappointed we didn't get to meet when I was in Maine!!! But when I'm able to go back, we will definitely have to meet up!!
ReplyDelete#15 though.. ugh that was amazing. I was lucky enough to go to 3 Nsync concerts in my day, I wish they would do a tour like BSB & 98 degrees did lol