Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

September 2, 2015

Midweek Ramblings + Recent Purchases.

{Via my Instagram @miss_alk}


  • SENIOR YEAR: I have probably written this in like the last 10 or so posts (at least!) here on the blog, but I still really am in shock that I am a senior in college. So far, everything is going just wonderfully! I am really enjoying my classes so far- they are challenging but all very relevant to my major and hopeful future career (and some even relevant to what I do as a blogger!). It has been so great to see all of my college friends after a long summer apart, and even more reunions will be coming up over the next few weeks!
  • Sorority Recruitment: Many of you know that I'm a member of Alpha Delta Pi. This is the annual time of the year when my chapter and all of the other Panhellenic sororities on campus participate in formal recruitment! Our school's Fall Recruitment is at the end of September, so we have a whole month of recruitment practices and events leading up to this. It can definitely be a bit stressful at times with everything else going on in my life, but I feel like my time management skills become top-notch during this month!
  • Exciting blog content: SO many exciting things are in store for SBIT this month!! Between some super fun outfit shoots that I cannot wait to post, fun collaborations, some giveaways (One which was posted yesterday! Enter here) and much, much more. This will all help to keep me sane during all of the sorority craziness to come this month. 
  • Life lessons and growing up: My 21st birthday is coming up this weekend, and while in some ways it still doesn't feel quite possible, I have started to notice recently in some ways that I am growing up. Many of these realizations come through life lessons and reflection. One of which that happened recently is through some events both this year and last year in my personal life (and having time to think about both circumstances), realizing how important it is to always be honest. Yes, honesty can hurt sometimes, and there can also be such a thing as being too honest. But never be afraid to tell the truth, even if the situation is sticky! I could write so much more about this... but I will just leave it at that. :-) 


  • I accidentally left my shampoo and conditioner at one of the hotels that my dad and I stayed at on our drive to school last week! As soon as I got back to Charlotte, I hit up my favorite local Target for some re-stocks. They had my shampoo in stock, but were sadly out of the conditioner that I've been using for awhile! So instead I am trying out this conditioner! I've only been using it a few days, but so far it compares pretty well to my old one. (I really need to write an updated hair products + routine post soon!) 
  • I visited the local party store back home in Maine before moving back to school to pick up some goodies for my 21st! My suitemate and best friend had her 21st birthday just a couple weeks before mine, so I made sure to buy some special birthday things for her as well. This was one of my favorite birthday goodies that I found
  • I haven't actually purchased this yet, but I am dying to try out this new drugstore mascara! I really want to pick it up before I head to the beach this weekend. I've heard such great things about it. 

      Happy middle of the week loves! I return this afternoon to my internship with the Ryan Seacrest Foundation- it's my fourth semester interning for RSF and I couldn't be more excited!!

     xoxo Miss ALK


  1. I had a similar realization my senior year of college, I woke up one morning and I was like "where did the time go?" As a PhD student now, I can tell you that life goes SO FAST. And everyday you realize how much you've grown, and it's daunting but also very satisfying.

    I hope you have a nice start of the semester and internship, you seem to love it so I'm sure you will! :)

    Ane | Basque Prep

  2. I got, you. The time just flies by! Unbelievable! And what a pretty clutch dear! :)


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