Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

June 13, 2015

Au Revoir!

     Today is the day! As of this evening, I will be boarding an evening flight bound for France to begin my month-long summer study abroad program! I will be living in Tours, France (about two hours by train from Paris), staying with a host family, and will be attending school and taking language immersion classes Monday-Friday. My weekends will hopefully be spent soaking up as much of the culture and sights of Tours, the Loire Valley (and Paris!) that I can get in!

Repost of my own photo that I used to announce my study abroad trip a couple months back!!

     I will be blogging while abroad (did you really think I could quit for a whole month?! ;-) ),  but my blogging schedule will look a bit different than what it has been lately. You might have noticed that over the past month or so I have finally developed a semi consistent posting schedule!! My blog is right now on a MWF schedule for fashion posts, with lifestyle posts appearing sometimes on the weekends. While I am in France, I will be posting Mondays and Thursdays guaranteed. (I already have Monday's post written and scheduled and I can definitely say that y'all won't want to miss it!)

     I am hoping to start doing recaps of my life abroad in France on Fridays, in place of my Southern Belle in the 'Bunk posts, seeing how much extra time I have for writing. (I might just save all of France recaps for the blog until I return home.) It just depends what my internet situation is like once I get there, and how much free time I have in the evenings!

     Lastly: what will be updated more than the blog while I'm abroad is my social media! Please be sure to follow me if you aren't already!!

     Instagram: @miss_alk
     Snapchat: @miss_alk
     Twitter: @rainbowflash94

     I would appreciate any prayers or well wishes today for safe travels! I am not as nervous about the flight... but more nervous for my arrival... right after getting into Paris I need to make my way onto a train, and then later change trains- all while fighting off jet lag and keeping an eye on all my luggage! Eeeek!

     Stay tuned for Monday's post!

     xoxo Miss ALK


  1. Yippee!! You are going to have the time of your life!! Prayers for a safe trip and wonderful journey you are going to experience in France!! I CAN'T WAIT for your updates and I hope all goes smoothly :)

  2. Have so much fun girl!
    Looking forward to your posts from abroad.

    xoxo, Jenny || Breakfast at Lillys

  3. Yay! So excited for you and can't wait to follow along with your adventures :)

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  4. Good luck! Can't wait to see all of your pictures!



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