Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

May 7, 2018

Styling a Bodysuit + Discount Code to One of My Fav Retailers!

     "Suit Up!" -Barney Stinson, How I Met Your Mother

     Any other HIMYM fans here? Anyone else super sad that it's not on Netflix anymore? Anyways, while it wasn't exactly the bodysuit trend that Barney was referring to with his famous quote on the show, I think it could apply. πŸ˜‰In today's post, I'm sharing how I styled my first bodysuit, and why I now love this trend. AND I have an exclusive discount code for y'all to use at one of my favorite online retailers as well!

Shein Discount Code

Bodysuit Under $15

Styling a Bodysuit

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     Similarly to many very "trendy" trends, I was a bit hesitant about bodysuits when they first began popping up in magazines and stores a couple years ago. They looked rather uncomfortable to wear, and a lot of the ones that I'd see girls wearing in college were quite... er, revealing. I wondered if there was a comfortable and fairly modest bodysuit out there- if there was I figured I would give it a try! I finally found one this spring from Shein, my favorite online retailer for fast fashion pieces. This bodysuit has absolutely exceeded my expectations and is now one of my favorite things in my closet for spring! 

     I've tried several Shein swimsuits in the past and have always sized up, so I did with this bodysuit as well. I ordered a size Medium and it fit perfectly!! It is made of the most comfortable material, and I have been loving wearing it. Radio is such a casual industry that I actually wore the outfit pictured above to work! This bodysuit is so versatile that I could both wear it to work, and also wear it for fun nights out. And if you're wondering how going to the bathroom / taking it off works... there are handy snaps at the bottom of it! (Think like a baby's onesie, haha!) So it's easier to wear than a romper. 

     Speaking of Shein, they have generously sent me a discount code to share with y'all for any spring shopping you might be doing!! I've been shopping at Shein for a few years now and they have become my #1 destination for any fast fashion or trendy pieces. With their very low prices, you will find that some pieces are cheaply made, but there are also some true fashion gems to be found on Shein!! You can use code missalk20 for 20% off at Shein, now through June 30th! 

     Today's photos were taken by Lacey Botteon Photography. Just like me, Lacey recently moved to Charlottesville! She is re-launching her photography business here in the Charlottesville area, so be sure to check out her website if you're looking for portrait photography in this area. I have been so lucky to find a great array of blog photographers right after moving here!! I love getting to work with Meredith Sledge, and I have also just started working with Kate Greer- you'll see photos from her soon! 

     I hope the start of your week is going well, and thank you as always for reading my blog! It's a busy week for me at my day job- my radio station has live broadcast events out in the community every day this week and for part of next week to promote a big contest that we're doing! 

      God Bless,

      xoxo Annaliese 



  1. I have a few bodysuits and they're awesome! I love that they stay tucked in all day. I love the neckline of yours!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  2. I was pretty skeptical about bodysuits too, but I got a few on sale at the end of last summer from Madewell and have been loving them! And I immediately thought of a baby onesie when I saw the snaps on mine haha

  3. You look amazing I love that body suit its so pretty!

  4. ohhh you are rocking it so well!! body suits and jump suits just aren't my thing coz it's such a pain to go to the bathroom xD but love seeing others style it!

  5. I actually haven't tried a bodysuit yet but I'm not opposed either lol.

  6. I really love the top part of that body suit. I remember when they were the big thing in the 90s that's what I think about every time I see them in stores haha.

  7. I’ve been loving bodysuits lately! I only have a solid black one but looking to add to the collection

  8. Cute piece! Shein has so many adorable choices, but it's a hit and miss for me.

  9. This is so cute! I bet it's super versatile too, love the style of it!

  10. It looks perfectly on you πŸ’•

  11. I don't have any bodysuits but I've always wanted to get one!

  12. I'm like how you used to be about bodysuits. I don't think I'll ever be able to pull it off! I love how you styled yours, you look gorgeous!

  13. This bodysuit is GORGEOUS! I don't currently own any bodysuits, but that's only because I haven't found one that I love yet, might have to try this one!

    The Classic Brunette


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